Appendix ‘D’: Independent Study Activities, Useful Forms
D.2: Useful Forms
A. Weekly Tally Sheet
Make copies as necessary. Please note: use the activity categories and codes from FL3
B. Weekly/Daily Schedule Form
This is a sample made with Microsoft Excel that could get you started if you would like to create a paper and pencil weekly schedule. “Create more with Microsoft templates – Office 365” You may use Excel or a similar program to create your own customized form. The on-line samples in the video were made with Google Calendar. A program like that can be used to customize an on-line schedule. There are also commercial products available at stationary stores.
C. Daily Planner Page
This is a sample made with Microsoft Excel that could get you started if you would like to create a paper and pencil daily schedule and you do not currently have a planner to use. You may use Excel or a similar program to create your own customized form. The samples in the video were mostly school issue daily agenda books. There are commercial products available through many schools and also at stationary stores.
D. Monthly Schedule Form
This is a sample made with Microsoft Word. You may use this or a similar program to create your own customized form. A program like Google Calendar can be used to customize an on-line schedule. There are also commercial products available at stationary stores.