Empower Your Learning with FutureLooping.com

  1. The novel FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward and the embedded learning system CLEVER QUICK provide Innovative and Engaging Learning Strategies for Students of all ages. They are particularly appropriate for those in Intermediate and Junior High Grades. These resources, in a Learner's Edition and in a Mentor's Edition, are available now on Amazon.

    Download Links:

  2. Take a look at chapter 1 of the novel, along with the accompanying resources:

  3. FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward, Learner’s Edition

    Paperback version: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CZF2YF89

    E-book version: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0D22B85YP

    FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward, Mentor’s Edition

    Paperback version: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CZTMC7PG

    E-book version: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0D234282K

  4. The sequel to the above novel, FutureLoop 2: Expanding Possibilities with the embedded learning system CLEVER QUOTIENT provides strategies for Senior High, University and all Adult levels. Make the most of your learning and your life! Availability TBA (likely early 2025).

    Introductory Video:

Engage With Our Time Traveling Mentor!

Delve into the novel FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward and discover a new approach to learning! Follow along as a struggling student is mentored by their future self who travels back in time to offer personalized advice and guidance for academic and life success. Plug into the same information and transform your own learning abilities, along with all aspects of your life, through CLEVER QUICK, an innovative and fun system to manage your learning and your life! FUTURE-PROOF your life and your learning and unlock limitless potential!

Check out these excerpts to see how one of the most important topics is dealt with (obviously with a spoiler alert for mid-story details):


Video A14


Your Personal Learning Management System

Our comprehensive and user-friendly learning management system, CLEVER QUICK, is introduced through a series of 22 videos. The videos are provided on pages of this site accessed via the FutureLoop novel referred to here. Text information for the strategy is also available in the appendices of the Mentor's Edition of the novel, FutureLoop Fulfilling Potentia: Life in Fast Forward.

So, how do you access all this wisdom?

The RE-LAUNCH OF THE NOVEL, FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward, has happened! Access the Learner's and Mentor's Editions of this novel through the link provided to get started with CLEVER QUICK!

The novel FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward is up and running as a Paperback book and a Kindle download on Amazon.ca, Amazon.com and other sites worldwide. The book is available in two formats: the Learner's Edition and the Mentor's Edition. Videos and audio files will also be available through this website, on specially located resource pages, accessed with links from the novel. Consider supporting us by downloading or ordering a copy. Available now on Amazon.

Along with personal development in the management of learning, one of the other goals of FutureLooping.com is to remind everyone to take care with our planet. Sustainable practices will ensure a diverse healthy planet Earth for generations to come. Apologies if this is a distraction, but the following video trailer for a Netflix episode in the PLANET EARTH II series presented by the BBC will serve to inspire with the above goal!

Register for Early Access to Future Resources

In Summary...

This material has been created by Richard and Rika Gibbs, former principals in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. This “Personal Management of Learning” material is presented in the context of the novel FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward. Students are encouraged to incorporate the various tips and strategies into their own lives. The guidance of a teacher, parent or other caregiver will prove very valuable with helping students in the learning of this material. Audio files are provided for the reader’s convenience and to enhance comprehension. The chapters can be read, listened to, or both! There is also a video provided at the conclusion of each chapter. Tips and strategies for managing personal learning are provided. The only exception is Video A1, which is an overall introduction to the entire program and is intended for learners as well as teachers, parents, and other caregivers. QR codes and URLs provided at the end of each chapter direct the reader to special pages embedded within FutureLooping.com where the resources can be accessed. Text information for each of the CLEVER QUICK sections is included in the appendices of the Mentor's Edition for easy reference. “Fast track” and other pacing options are also included in Appendix E.

The author, Mr. Richard (Rick) Gibbs can be accessed

at ‘futurelooptalk@gmail.com

if you have any questions or comments.

Invest in Your Future or the Future of Someone You Care About, with FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward and FutureLooping.com.