Fulfilling Potential:
Life in Fast Forward
Chapter 9 Resources
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Chapter 9 Audio
Chapter 9 Video
Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward
Chapter 9 Additional Resources
Along with the optional video and audio files that go with chapter 9, access to other resources are also provided here, as well as via a link to the full set of APPENDICES.
Independent Study Activities: Chapter 9 • NAVI
N (novel connection): What are some of the frightening things about MAs that Blace tells Caleb about?
A (activity for CQ): Print off the Survey FL3 form, which includes the blank tally form for the coming week. Complete Survey FL3 (page 1 and 2 at first, then page 3 and 4 after you have tracked activities for a week). Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 10): morphed; surreal.
I (interesting/fun idea): Is there any time during your week that you think is either ‘wasted’ or not used to potential? If there was an activity, sport or hobby that you could replace that time with, what would it be?