
Fulfilling Potential:

Life in Fast Forward

Chapter 7 Resources

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Chapter 7 Video

Chapter 7 Audio

Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward

Along with the optional video and audio files that go with chapter 7, access to other resources are also provided here, as well as via a link to the full set of APPENDICES.

Chapter 7 Additional Resources

Independent Study Activities: Chapter 7 • NAVI

N (novel connection): Look at the sequence of Fibonacci numbers found in this chapter. What are the next 5 numbers in the sequence?

A (activity for CQ): What goal would you choose to set up for yourself, similar to the ‘New year’s Resolution’ goals that are shown in the video? Try to make it as SMART as possible.

V (vocabulary chapter 8): measurable; achievable; relevant; growth mindset; disguise; pandemics; catastrophe.

I (interesting/fun idea): If you were able to have a ‘memory adjustment’ done on yourself, what would you choose to do?