Fulfilling Potential:
Life in Fast Forward
Chapter 3 Resources
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Chapter 3 Audio
Chapter 3 Video
Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward
Chapter 3 Additional Resources
Along with the optional video and audio files that go with chapter 3, access to other resources are also provided here, as well as via a link to the full set of APPENDICES.
Independent Study Activities: Chapter 3 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Caleb obviously wants to be successful. What encourages him in this chapter?
A (activity for CQ): Make a checklist of the changes you need to make for your study place. What things are you able to change right away? Make a plan to address the things that will take some time.
V (vocabulary chapter 4): vaporized; Fibonacci numbers; DNA; reflection.
I (interesting/fun idea): Make a “Do Not Disturb!” sign, using card stock or equivalent, to use when you are studying.