
Fulfilling Potential:

Life in Fast Forward

Chapter 19 Resources

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Chapter 19 Audio

Chapter 19 Video

Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward

Independent Study Activities: Chapter 19 • NAVI

N (novel connection): Why does Caleb say that ‘his life and the future of the world’ depends on him being successful with the mission?

A (activity for CQ): Pick a section of information from one of your classes that you need to remember. Practice using various ‘Coding’ strategies to help you remember the material.

V (vocabulary chapter 20): disfigured; ‘pins and needles’; elation; incremental; ‘black holes’; quasars; wormholes.

I (interesting/fun idea): If you could design a time machine, what would it look like? Compare and contrast it with the ‘travel shroud’ from FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward.

Along with the optional video and audio files that go with chapter 19, access to other resources are also provided here, as well as via a link to the full set of APPENDICES.

Chapter 19 Additional Resources