
Fulfilling Potential:

Life in Fast Forward

Chapter 14 Resources

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Chapter 14 Audio

Chapter 14 Video

Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward

Chapter 14 Additional Resources

Along with the optional video and audio files that go with chapter 14, access to other resources are also provided here, as well as via a link to the full set of APPENDICES.

Independent Study Activities: Chapter 14 • NAVI

N (novel connection): Why do you think it is that Blace says, “The ‘Q’ for ‘questioning sources’ is one of the most important of CLEVER QUICK?

A (activity for CQ): Review the approach outlined in Part 4 of ‘Q’ in the appendices, ‘Examples of how resources are questioned.’ Pick an article or website that someone has shared with you on social media, or in a class at school, and determine how truthful you think the information is.

V (vocabulary chapter 15): beacon; meandering; unison; factual.

I (interesting/fun idea): Try going a whole week without saying something bad about another person. Follow this guideline: if you can’t say something good about someone, don’t say anything at all. Record your progress in your ‘daily agenda planner’. Not successful? Try again the next week.